A Week of Symfony #910 (3-9 June 2024)
June 9, 2024
Published by
Javier Eguiluz
This week, Symfony 5.4.40, 6.4.8, 7.0.8 and 7.1.1 maintenance versions were released. In addition, we organized the SymfonyOnline June 2024 conference and merged the first features of Symfony 7.2, to be released at the end of November 2024.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 38 pull requests were merged (28 in code and 10 in docs) and 36 issues were closed (32 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 19 authors made 64,179 additions and 67,099 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 22e469e: [String] fix Inflector for hardware
- 0625660: [FrameworkBundle] not registered definitions must not be modified
- 8ed9bb0: [PhpUnitBridge] fix error handler triggered outside of tests
- b358048: [Mime] use streams instead of loading raw message generator into memory
- 678fede: [AssetMapper] fix npm version constraint conversion
- 332b6f0: [Validator] do not modify a constraint during validation to not leak its context
- 322e7e4: [Serializer] avoid calling undefined built-in is_*() functions
- a3a2ded: [Notifier] change type of Brevo from chatter to texter
- b46424c: use constructor property promotion
- 80bb90a: [Validator] BicValidator add strict mode to validate bics in strict mode
- 4f5d618: [Console] better error handling when misuse of ArgvInput with arrays
- b3508ee: [HttpKernel] remove @internal flag and add @final to ServicesResetter
- 9ca598c: [Process] ExecutableFinder::addSuffix() has no effect
- ea47cb4: [Mime] tweak an exception to be more descriptive
- 0e786b6: [Security] use constructor property promotion
- ee63ef5: [Cache] don't use LazyProxyTrait in Redis proxies
- 63ef48f: [Uid] make AbstractUid implement Ds\Hashable if available
Newest issues and pull requests
Symfony CLI
Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the Symfony Local Server, the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released its new 5.9.0 and 5.9.1 versions with the following changes:
- Tweak messages (@fabpot)
- Remove unused arg (@fabpot)
- Re-add composer2 as a valid binary name for composer (@fabpot)
- Prepare for Upsun support (@fabpot)
- Change composer binary name (@fabpot)
- Add a command that checks Doctrine server version setting (@fabpot)
- Add Upsun support (@fabpot)
- Add logs to checkDoctrineServerVersionSetting() (@fabpot)
They talked about us
- Symfony Station Communiqué - 07 June 2024
- Extend your Symfony Console app with events and attributes
- You need to stop updating your Entities in Symfony and start using the Query Builder. Here’s why.
- Verona unveiled: A journey beyond the code at PHPDay
- Interview with 3 SensioLabs speakers at SymfonyLive Paris 2024
- Replace parameters in Symfony
- Пример использования Workerman и Symfony Messenger
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