The ExpressionLanguage Component
The ExpressionLanguage component provides an engine that can compile and evaluate expressions. An expression is a one-liner that returns a value (mostly, but not limited to, Booleans).
$ composer require symfony/expression-language
If you install this component outside of a Symfony application, you must
require the vendor/autoload.php
file in your code to enable the class
autoloading mechanism provided by Composer. Read
this article for more details.
How can the Expression Language Help Me?
The purpose of the component is to allow users to use expressions inside configuration for more complex logic. For example, the Symfony Framework uses expressions in security, for validation rules and in route matching.
Besides using the component in the framework itself, the ExpressionLanguage component is a perfect candidate for the foundation of a business rule engine. The idea is to let the webmaster of a website configure things in a dynamic way without using PHP and without introducing security problems:
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# Get the special price if
user.getGroup() in ['good_customers', 'collaborator']
# Promote article to the homepage when
article.commentCount > 100 and article.category not in ["misc"]
# Send an alert when
product.stock < 15
Expressions can be seen as a very restricted PHP sandbox and are less vulnerable to external injections because you must explicitly declare which variables are available in an expression (but you should still sanitize any data given by end users and passed to expressions).
The ExpressionLanguage component can compile and evaluate expressions.
Expressions are one-liners that often return a Boolean, which can be used
by the code executing the expression in an if
statement. A simple example
of an expression is 1 + 2
. You can also use more complicated expressions,
such as someArray[3].someMethod('bar')
The component provides 2 ways to work with expressions:
- evaluation: the expression is evaluated without being compiled to PHP;
- compile: the expression is compiled to PHP, so it can be cached and evaluated.
The main class of the component is ExpressionLanguage:
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
$expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage();
var_dump($expressionLanguage->evaluate('1 + 2')); // displays 3
var_dump($expressionLanguage->compile('1 + 2')); // displays (1 + 2)
See The Expression Syntax to learn the syntax of the ExpressionLanguage component.
Null Coalescing Operator
This content has been moved to the null coalescing operator section of ExpressionLanguage syntax reference page.
Parsing and Linting Expressions
The ExpressionLanguage component provides a way to parse and lint expressions. The parse() method returns a ParsedExpression instance that can be used to inspect and manipulate the expression. The lint(), on the other hand, returns a boolean indicating if the expression is valid or not:
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
$expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage();
var_dump($expressionLanguage->parse('1 + 2', []));
// displays the AST nodes of the expression which can be
// inspected and manipulated
var_dump($expressionLanguage->lint('1 + 2', [])); // displays true
Passing in Variables
You can also pass variables into the expression, which can be of any valid PHP type (including objects):
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
$expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage();
class Apple
public string $variety;
$apple = new Apple();
$apple->variety = 'Honeycrisp';
'fruit' => $apple,
)); // displays "Honeycrisp"
When using this component inside a Symfony application, certain objects and variables are automatically injected by Symfony so you can use them in your expressions (e.g. the request, the current user, etc.):
The ExpressionLanguage component provides a compile() method to be able to cache the expressions in plain PHP. But internally, the component also caches the parsed expressions, so duplicated expressions can be compiled/evaluated quicker.
The Workflow
Both evaluate()
and compile()
need to do some things before each can provide the return
values. For evaluate()
, this overhead is even bigger.
Both methods need to tokenize and parse the expression. This is done by the
method. It returns a ParsedExpression.
Now, the compile()
method just returns the string conversion of this object.
The evaluate()
method needs to loop through the "nodes" (pieces of an
expression saved in the ParsedExpression
) and evaluate them on the fly.
To save time, the ExpressionLanguage
caches the ParsedExpression
it can skip the tokenization and parsing steps with duplicate expressions. The
caching is done by a PSR-6 CacheItemPoolInterface instance (by default, it
uses an ArrayAdapter). You can
customize this by creating a custom cache pool or using one of the available
ones and injecting this using the constructor:
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
$cache = new RedisAdapter(...);
$expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage($cache);
See also
See the The Cache Component documentation for more information about available cache adapters.
Using Parsed and Serialized Expressions
Both evaluate()
and compile()
can handle ParsedExpression
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// ...
// the parse() method returns a ParsedExpression
$expression = $expressionLanguage->parse('1 + 4', []);
var_dump($expressionLanguage->evaluate($expression)); // prints 5
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\SerializedParsedExpression;
// ...
$expression = new SerializedParsedExpression(
'1 + 4',
serialize($expressionLanguage->parse('1 + 4', [])->getNodes())
var_dump($expressionLanguage->evaluate($expression)); // prints 5
AST Dumping and Editing
It's difficult to manipulate or inspect the expressions created with the ExpressionLanguage component, because the expressions are plain strings. A better approach is to turn those expressions into an AST. In computer science, AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is "a tree representation of the structure of source code written in a programming language". In Symfony, an ExpressionLanguage AST is a set of nodes that contain PHP classes representing the given expression.
Dumping the AST
Call the getNodes() method after parsing any expression to get its AST:
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
$ast = (new ExpressionLanguage())
->parse('1 + 2', [])
// dump the AST nodes for inspection
// dump the AST nodes as a string representation
$astAsString = $ast->dump();
Manipulating the AST
The nodes of the AST can also be dumped into a PHP array of nodes to allow manipulating them. Call the toArray() method to turn the AST into an array:
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// ...
$astAsArray = (new ExpressionLanguage())
->parse('1 + 2', [])
Extending the ExpressionLanguage
The ExpressionLanguage can be extended by adding custom functions. For instance, in the Symfony Framework, the security has custom functions to check the user's role.
If you want to learn how to use functions in an expression, read "The Expression Syntax".
Registering Functions
Functions are registered on each specific ExpressionLanguage
That means the functions can be used in any expression executed by that
To register a function, use register(). This method has 3 arguments:
- name - The name of the function in an expression;
- compiler - A function executed when compiling an expression using the function;
- evaluator - A function executed when the expression is evaluated.
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
$expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage();
$expressionLanguage->register('lowercase', function ($str): string {
return sprintf('(is_string(%1$s) ? strtolower(%1$s) : %1$s)', $str);
}, function ($arguments, $str): string {
if (!is_string($str)) {
return $str;
return strtolower($str);
// this will print: hello
In addition to the custom function arguments, the evaluator is passed an
variable as its first argument, which is equal to the second
argument of evaluate()
(e.g. the "values" when evaluating an expression).
Using Expression Providers
When you use the ExpressionLanguage
class in your library, you often want
to add custom functions. To do so, you can create a new expression provider by
creating a class that implements
This interface requires one method: getFunctions(), which returns an array of expression functions (instances of ExpressionFunction) to register:
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface;
class StringExpressionLanguageProvider implements ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface
public function getFunctions(): array
return [
new ExpressionFunction('lowercase', function ($str): string {
return sprintf('(is_string(%1$s) ? strtolower(%1$s) : %1$s)', $str);
}, function ($arguments, $str): string {
if (!is_string($str)) {
return $str;
return strtolower($str);
To create an expression function from a PHP function with the fromPhp() static method:
Namespaced functions are supported, but they require a second argument to define the name of the expression:
ExpressionFunction::fromPhp('My\strtoupper', 'my_strtoupper');
You can register providers using registerProvider() or by using the second argument of the constructor:
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
// using the constructor
$expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage(null, [
new StringExpressionLanguageProvider(),
// ...
// using registerProvider()
$expressionLanguage->registerProvider(new StringExpressionLanguageProvider());
It is recommended to create your own ExpressionLanguage
class in your
library. Now you can add the extension by overriding the constructor:
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use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage as BaseExpressionLanguage;
class ExpressionLanguage extends BaseExpressionLanguage
public function __construct(?CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null, array $providers = [])
// prepends the default provider to let users override it
array_unshift($providers, new StringExpressionLanguageProvider());
parent::__construct($cache, $providers);