Form Types
Admin related form types
When defining fields in your admin classes you can use any of the standard Symfony field types and configure them as you would normally. In addition there are some special Sonata field types which allow you to work with relationships between one entity class and another.
This type allows you to choose an existing entity from the linked model class. In effect it shows a list of options from which you can choose a value (or values).
For example, we have an entity class called Page
which has a field called
which maps a relationship to another entity class called Image
All we need to do now is add a reference for this field in our PageAdmin
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// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelType;
final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
$imageFieldOptions = []; // see available options below
->add('image1', ModelType::class, $imageFieldOptions)
Note that the third parameter to FormMapper::add()
is optional so
there is no need to pass in an empty array, it is shown here only to demonstrate
where the options go when you want to use them.
Since the image1
field refers to a related entity we do not need to specify
any options. Sonata will calculate that the linked admin class is of type Image
by default, use the ImageAdmin
class to retrieve a list of all existing Images
to display as choices in the selector.
You need to create ImageAdmin
class in this case to use sonata_type_model
You can also use use the admin_code
The available options are:
defaults to
. You can set this to a Symfony PropertyPath compatible string to designate which field to use for the choice values. query
defaults to
. You can set this to a ProxyQueryInterface instance in order to define a custom query for retrieving the available options. template
- defaults to 'choice' (not currently used?)
defaults to
- see the Symfony choice Field Type docs for more info expanded
defaults to
- see the Symfony choice Field Type docs for more info choices
defaults to
- see the Symfony choice Field Type docs for more info preferred_choices
- defaults to [] - see the Symfony choice Field Type docs for more info
defaults to a
built from the other options model_manager
defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. class
The entity class managed by this field. Defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. btn_add
The labels on the
buttons can be customized with these parameters. Setting any of them tofalse
will hide the corresponding button. You can also specify a custom translation domain for these labels, which defaults toSonataAdminBundle
An admin class for the linked model class needs to be defined to render this form type.
If you need to use a sortable Sonata
check the Sortable Sonata Type Model in Admin page.
When using Sonata
with btn_add
, a jQuery event will be
triggered when a child form is added to the DOM
by default and
when using edit:inline
This type allows you to choose an existing entity, add a new one or edit the one that is already selected.
For example, we have an entity class called Page
which has a field called
which maps a relationship to another entity class called Image
All we need to do now is add a reference for this field in our PageAdmin
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// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelListType;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
->add('image1', ModelListType::class)
The available options are:
defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. class
The entity class managed by this field. Defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. btn_add
The labels on the
buttons can be customized with these parameters. Setting any of them tofalse
will hide the corresponding button. You can also specify a custom translation domain for these labels, which defaults toSonataAdminBundle
The value of hidden field is identifier of related entity:
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// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelHiddenType;
final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
// generates hidden form field with id of related Category entity
->add('categoryId', ModelHiddenType::class)
The available options are:
defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. class
The entity class managed by this field. Defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually.
This type allows you to choose an existing entity from the linked model class. In effect it shows a list of options from which you can choose a value. The list of options is loaded dynamically with ajax after typing 3 chars (autocomplete). It is best for entities with many items.
This field type works by default if the related entity has an admin instance and
in the related entity datagrid is a string filter on the property
For example, we have an entity class called Article
(in the ArticleAdmin
which has a field called category
which maps a relationship to another entity
class called Category
. All we need to do now is add a reference for this field
in our ArticleAdmin
class and make sure, that in the CategoryAdmin
datagrid filter for the property title
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// src/Admin/ArticleAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelAutocompleteType;
final class ArticleAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
// the dropdown autocomplete list will show only Category
// entities that contain specified text in "title" attribute
->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [
'property' => 'title'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// src/Admin/CategoryAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
final class CategoryAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagrid)
// this text filter will be used to retrieve autocomplete fields
The available options are:
defaults to
. You have to set this to designate which field (or a list of fields) to use for the choice values. This value can be string or array of strings. class
The entity class managed by this field. Defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. model_manager
defaults to
, but is actually calculated from the linked admin class. You usually should not need to set this manually. callback
defaults to
. Callable function that can be used to modify the query which is used to retrieve autocomplete items. The callback should receive three parameters - the admin instance, the property (or properties) defined as searchable and the search value entered by the user.From the
parameter it is possible to get theDatagrid
and theRequest
:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
$form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'callback' => static function (AdminInterface $admin, string $property, $value): void { $datagrid = $admin->getDatagrid(); $query = $datagrid->getQuery(); $query ->andWhere($query->getRootAlias() . '.foo=:barValue') ->setParameter('barValue', $admin->getRequest()->get('bar')) ; $datagrid->setValue($property, null, $value); }, ]) ;
If you want to dynamically change the
being filtered on to something else, you can use a prefix system, as follows. When the user types id: 20 the property used for filtering is "id". When they type username: awesome_user_name, it will be "username":1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
$form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'callback' => static function (AdminInterface $admin, string $property, string $value): void { $datagrid = $admin->getDatagrid(); $valueParts = explode(':', $value); if (count($valueParts) === 2 && in_array($valueParts[0], ['id', 'email', 'username'])) { [$property, $value] = $valueParts; } $datagrid->setValue($datagrid->getFilter($property)->getFormName(), null, $value); }, ]) ;
defaults to
. Callable function that can be used to change the default toString behavior of entity:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'to_string_callback' => function($entity, $property) { return $entity->getTitle(); }, ]) ;
defaults to
. Callable function that can be used to customize each item individually returned in JSON:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'response_item_callback' => function (AdminInterface $admin, object $entity, array $item): array { $item['type'] = $entity->getType(); return $item; }, ]) ;
defaults to
. Set totrue
, if your field is in a many-to-many relation. placeholder
- defaults to "". Placeholder is shown when no item is selected.
- defaults to 3. Minimum number of chars that should be typed to load ajax data.
- defaults to 10. Number of items per one ajax request.
- defaults to 100. Number of milliseconds to wait for the user to stop typing before issuing the ajax request.
defaults to
. Set totrue
, if the requested pages should be cached by the browser. url
- defaults to "". Target external remote URL for ajax requests. You usually should not need to set this manually.
The route
that is used as target URL for ajax requests. width
- defaults to "". Controls the width style attribute of the Select2 container div.
defaults to
. Set totrue
to enable thedropdownAutoWidth
Select2 option, which allows the drop downs to be wider than the parent input, sized according to their content. container_css_class
- defaults to "". Css class that will be added to select2's container tag.
- defaults to "". CSS class of dropdown list.
- defaults to "". CSS class of dropdown item.
defaults to
. Set totrue
to enable the label to be displayed as raw HTML, which may cause an XSS vulnerability. req_param_name_search
- defaults to "q". Ajax request parameter name which contains the searched text.
- defaults to "_page". Ajax request parameter name which contains the page number.
- defaults to "_per_page". Ajax request parameter name which contains the limit of items per page.
defaults to
. Use this option if you want to override the default template of this form type. btn_add
The labels on the
button can be customized with these parameters. Setting any of them tofalse
will hide the corresponding button. You can also specify a custom translation domain for these labels, which defaults toSonataAdminBundle
:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// src/Admin/ArticleAdmin.php use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelAutocompleteType; final class ArticleAdmin extends AbstractAdmin { protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void { $form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'template' => '@App/Form/Type/sonata_type_model_autocomplete.html.twig', ]) ; } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
{# templates/Form/Type/sonata_type_model_autocomplete.html.twig #}
{% extends '@SonataAdmin/Form/Type/sonata_type_model_autocomplete.html.twig' %}
{# change the default selection format #}
{% block sonata_type_model_autocomplete_selection_format %}'<b>'+item.label+'</b>'{% endblock %}
{# customize select2 options #}
{% block sonata_type_model_autocomplete_select2_options_js %}
options.multiple = false;
options.dropdownAutoWidth = false;
{% endblock %}
defaults to
. By default, the user needs theLIST
role (mapped tolist
access action) to get the autocomplete items from the target admin's datagrid. If you can't give some users this role because they will then have access to the target admin's datagrid, you have to grant them another role.In the example below we changed the
, which is mapped in the target admin toAUTOCOMPLETE
role. Please make sure that all valid users have theAUTOCOMPLETE
role:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
// src/Admin/ArticleAdmin.php use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelAutocompleteType; final class ArticleAdmin extends AbstractAdmin { protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void { // the dropdown autocomplete list will show only Category // entities that contain specified text in "title" attribute $form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'target_admin_access_action' => 'autocomplete', ]) ; } }
You have to modify the target entity in the following way:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
// src/Admin/CategoryAdmin.php use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin; final class CategoryAdmin extends AbstractAdmin { protected $accessMapping = [ 'autocomplete' => 'AUTOCOMPLETE', ]; protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagrid): void { // this text filter will be used to retrieve autocomplete fields // only the users with role AUTOCOMPLETE will be able to get the items $datagrid ->add('title') ; } }
An array of arbitrary attributes which will be rendered inside the select tag:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$form ->add('category', ModelAutocompleteType::class, [ 'property' => 'title', 'attr' => [ 'data-my-custom-variable' => 'my-custom-value', ], ]) ;
According the choice made only associated fields are displayed. The others fields are hidden:
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// src/Admin/AppMenuAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ChoiceFieldMaskType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
final class AppMenuAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
->add('linkType', ChoiceFieldMaskType::class, [
'choices' => [
'uri' => 'uri',
'route' => 'route',
'map' => [
'route' => ['route', 'parameters'],
'uri' => ['uri'],
'placeholder' => 'Choose an option',
'required' => false
->add('route', TextType::class)
->add('uri', TextType::class)
- Associative array. Describes the fields that are displayed for each choice.
- .. figure:: ../images/choice_field_mask_type.gif
- :alt: Form type choice field mask type
Setting a field type of Sonata
will embed another admin class
and use the embedded admin's configuration when editing this field.
fields should only be used when editing a field which
represents a relationship between two model classes.
This type allows you to embed a complete form for the related element, which you can configure to allow the creation, editing and (optionally) deletion of related objects.
For example, lets use a similar example to the one for Sonata
This time, when editing a Page
using PageAdmin
we want to enable the inline
creation (and editing) of new Images instead of selecting an existing Image from a list.
First we need to create an ImageAdmin
class and register it as an admin class
for managing Image
objects. In our services.yaml
we have an entry for ImageAdmin
that looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# config/services.yaml
class: App\Admin\ImageAdmin
- [setTranslationDomain, ['App']]
- { name: sonata.admin, model_class: App\Entity\Image, controller: 'Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController', manager_type: orm, label: 'Image' }
To embed ImageAdmin
within PageAdmin
we need to change the reference
for the image1
field to AdminType
in our PageAdmin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\AdminType;
final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
->add('image1', AdminType::class)
We do not need to define any options since Sonata calculates that the linked class
is of type Image
and the service definition (in services.yaml
) defines that Image
objects are managed by the ImageAdmin
The available options (which can be passed as a third parameter to FormMapper::add()
) are:
defaults to
and indicates that a 'delete' checkbox should be shown allowing the user to delete the linked object. btn_add
The labels on the
buttons can be customized with these parameters. Setting any of them tofalse
will hide the corresponding button. You can also specify a custom translation domain for these labels, which defaults toSonataAdminBundle
The Sonata\Form\Type\CollectionType
is meant to handle creation and editing of model
collections. Rows can be added and deleted, and your model abstraction layer may
allow you to edit fields inline. You can use type_options
to pass values
to the underlying forms:
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// src/Admin/ProductAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\Form\Type\CollectionType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\HiddenType;
final class ProductAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
->add('sales', CollectionType::class, [
'type_options' => [
// Prevents the "Delete" option from being displayed
'delete' => false,
'delete_options' => [
// You may otherwise choose to put the field but hide it
'type' => HiddenType::class,
// In that case, you need to fill in the options as well
'type_options' => [
'mapped' => false,
'required' => false,
], [
'edit' => 'inline',
'inline' => 'table',
'sortable' => 'position',
The available options (which can be passed as a third parameter to FormMapper::add()
) are:
The label on the
button can be customized with this parameters. Setting it tofalse
will hide the corresponding button. You can also specify a custom translation domain for this label, which defaults toSonataAdminBundle
A jQuery event is fired after a row has been added (sonata-admin-append-form-element
You can listen to this event to trigger custom JavaScript (eg: add a calendar widget to a newly added date field)
Setting the 'required' option to true
does not cause a requirement of 'at least one' child entity.
Setting the 'required' option to false
causes all nested form fields to become not required as well.
You can check / uncheck a range of checkboxes by clicking a first one, then a second one with shift + click.
If you are using the
, you must set, at least, the CREATE permission to the Admin of the relation, to be able to add more rows to the collection.
In order to delete rows, you must set the DELETE permission.
For more infos about permissions, check the Security page.
This bundle handle the native Symfony collection
form type by adding:
- an
button if you set theallow_add
option totrue
. - a
button if you set theallow_delete
option totrue
A jQuery event is fired after a row has been added (sonata-admin-append-form-element
You can listen to this event to trigger custom JavaScript (eg: add a calendar widget to a newly added date field)
A jQuery event is fired after a row has been added (sonata-collection-item-added
or before deleted (sonata-collection-item-deleted
A jQuery event is fired after a row has been deleted successfully (sonata-collection-item-deleted-successful
You can listen to these events to trigger custom JavaScript.
If you are using the
, you must set, at least, the CREATE permission to the Admin of the relation, to be able to add more rows to the collection.
In order to delete rows, you must set the DELETE permission.
For more infos about permissions, check the Security page.
FieldDescription options
The fourth parameter to FormMapper::add() allows you to pass in FieldDescription
options as an array. The most useful of these is admin_code
, which allows you to
specify which admin to use for managing this relationship. It is most useful for inline
editing in conjunction with the Sonata
form type.
The value used should be the admin service name, not the class name. If you do
not specify an admin_code
in this way, the default admin class for the field's
model type will be used.
For example, to specify the use of the admin class which is registered as
for managing the image1
field from our PageAdmin
example above:
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// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\AdminType;
final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
->add('image1', AdminType::class, [], [
'admin_code' => 'sonata.admin.imageSpecial'
Other specific field configuration options are detailed in the related abstraction layer documentation.
Types options
You can use any of the Symfony form options to customize the form fields. For instance
You can set the
option tofalse
if you don't want to show it:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin; final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin { protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void { $form ->add('status', null, [ 'label' => false ]) ; } }
You can use the
option to add messages that are rendered together with form fields:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// src/Admin/PostAdmin.php final class PostAdmin extends AbstractAdmin { protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void { $form ->with('General') ->add('title', null, [ 'help' => 'Set the title of a web page' ]) ->add('keywords', null, [ 'help' => 'Set the keywords of a web page' ]) ->end() ; } }

: This option can be added for multiple choice widget to activate select2 sortable:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin; final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin { protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void { $form ->add('multiChoices', ChoiceType::class, [ 'multiple' => true, 'sortable' => true, ]) ; } }