A project using Symfony components
The OroPlatform is an Open source Business Application Platform (BAP). It offers developers the exact business application platform they've been looking for, by combining the tools they need. Built in PHP and the Symfony framework, it seamlessly integrates into OroCRM and OroCommerce or works entirely standalone. Developing custom business applications has never been so easy.
Official website: oroinc.com/oroplatform
- HttpClient
- HttpClient Contracts
- HttpFoundation
- HttpKernel
- Intl
- Lock
- Dotenv
- ErrorHandler
- EventDispatcher
- EventDispatcher Contracts
- ExpressionLanguage
- Filesystem
- Finder
- Symfony Flex
- Form
- Cache Contracts
- Config
- Console
- CssSelector
- Debug Bundle
- DependencyInjection
- DeprecationContracts
- Doctrine Bridge
- Asset
- BrowserKit
- Cache
- DomCrawler
- OptionsResolver
- Polyfill Ctype
- Framework Bundle
- Polyfill PHP 7.0
- Process
- Routing
- Mime
- Monolog Bridge
- Monolog Bundle
- PHPUnit Bridge
- PropertyAccess
- Stopwatch
- String
- Translation
- Twig Bridge
- Twig Bundle
- Security Bundle
- Serializer
- Service Contracts
- Mailer
- PropertyInfo
- Runtime
- SecurityCore
- SecurityCsrf
- Templating
- Translation Contracts
- Validator
- VarDumper
- VarExporter
- WebLink
- WebProfiler Bundle
- Yaml