EasyAdmin relies on Symfony Security for everything related to security. That's why before restricting access to some parts of the backend, you need to properly setup security in your Symfony application:
- Create users in your application and assign them proper permissions
); - Define a firewall that covers the URL of the backend.
Logged in User Information
When accessing a protected backend, EasyAdmin displays the details of the user who is logged in the application and a menu with some options like "logout". Read the user menu reference for more details.
Restrict Access to the Entire Backend
Using the access_control option, you can tell Symfony to require certain permissions to browse the URL associated to the backend. This is simple to do because each dashboard only uses a single URL:
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# config/packages/security.yaml
# ...
# change '/admin' by the URL used by your Dashboard
- { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
# ...
Another option is to use the #[IsGranted] attribute in the dashboard controller:
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// app/Controller/Admin/DashboardController.php
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\Dashboard;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AbstractDashboardController;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Attribute\IsGranted;
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ...
Restrict Access to Menu Items
Use the setPermission()
method to define the security permission that the
user must have in order to see the menu item:
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public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
return [
// ...
MenuItem::linkToCrud('Blog Posts', null, BlogPost::class)
This permission only shows/hides menu items. The actions associated to those menu items are still executable, even if the user can't see the menu items. Use the actions permissions to also restrict the access to those actions.
If your needs are more advanced, remember that the dashboard class is a regular Symfony controller, so you can use any service related to security to evaluate complex expressions. In those cases, it's more convenient to use the alternative menu item definition to not have to deal with array merges:
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public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linkToDashboard('Dashboard', 'fa fa-home');
if ($this->isGranted('ROLE_EDITOR') && '...') {
yield MenuItem::linkToCrud('Blog Posts', null, BlogPost::class);
// ...
Restrict Access to Actions
Use the setPermission()
method to define the security permission required to
see the action link/button:
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use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\Action;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\Actions;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\Crud;
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
$viewInvoice = Action::new('invoice', 'View invoice', 'fa fa-file-invoice')
return $actions
// ...
->add(Crud::PAGE_DETAIL, $viewInvoice)
// use the 'setPermission()' method to set the permission of actions
// (the same permission is granted to the action on all pages)
->setPermission('invoice', 'ROLE_FINANCE')
// you can set permissions for built-in actions in the same way
->setPermission(Action::NEW, 'ROLE_ADMIN')
Restrict Access to Fields
There are several options to restrict the information displayed in the page
depending on the logged in user. First, you can show/hide the entire field with
the setPermission()
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public function getFields(string $action): iterable
return [
// users must have this permission/role to see this field
// ...
You can also restrict which items users can see in the index
and detail
pages thanks to the setEntityPermission()
method. This value is passed as
the first argument of the call to is_granted($permissions, $item)
to decide if the current user can see the given item:
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namespace App\Controller\Admin;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\Crud;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AbstractCrudController;
class ProductCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
// ...
public function configureCrud(Crud $crud): Crud
return $crud
// ...
In the detail
page, if the user doesn't have permission they will see an
appropriate error message (and you'll see a detailed error message in the
application logs).
In the index
page, to avoid confusion and pagination errors, if the user
doesn't have permission to see some items, an empty row will be displayed at the
bottom of the list with a message explaining that they don't have enough
permissions to see some items:

Restricting Access with Expressions
The Expressions support was introduced in EasyAdmin 4.9.0.
The Symfony ExpressionLanguage component allows to define complex configuration
logic using simple expressions. In EasyAdmin, all setPermission()
allow to pass not only a string with some security role name (e.g. ROLE_ADMIN
but also a full Expression
First, install the component in your project using Composer:
$ composer require symfony/expression-language
Now, you can pass a Symfony Expression object to any setPermission()
like this:
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use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
MenuItem::linkToCrud('Restricted menu-item', null, Example::class)
->setPermission(new Expression('"ROLE_DEVELOPER" in role_names and "ROLE_EXTERNAL" not in role_names'));
Expressions enable the definition of much more detailed permissions, based on several role names, user attributes, or the given subject. The expressions can include any of these variables:
- the current user objectrole_names
- all the roles of current user as an arraysubject
- the current subject being checkedtoken
- the authentication tokentrust_resolver
- the authentication trust resolverauth_checker
- an instance of the authorization checker service
Custom Security Voters
EasyAdmin implements a Symfony security voter to check the permissions
defined for actions, entities, menu items, etc. The actual security permissions
are defined as constants in the EasyCorp
class (e.g. Permission::EA_EXECUTE_ACTION
, Permission::EA_VIEW_MENU_ITEM
, etc.)
If you define a custom security voter for the backend, consider changing the
access decision strategy used by your application. The default strategy,
called affirmative
, grants access as soon as one voter grants access (if
EasyAdmin voter grants access, your custom voter won't be able to deny it).
That's why you should change the default strategy to unanimous
, which
grants access only if there are no voters denying access:
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# config/packages/security.yaml
strategy: unanimous