A project using Symfony components
SolidInvoice is an open-source invoicing application designed for ease of use and to simplify accounting for freelancers or big companies. The main features include creating and managing clients with multiple contacts, creating and sending quotes and invoices and online payments.
Official website: solidinvoice.co
- HttpClient
- Iqsms Notifier
- Mailchimp Bridge
- Mailjet Notifier
- Gitter Notifier
- Google Chat Notifier
- Google Gmail Bridge
- HttpFoundation
- HttpKernel
- Infobip Notifier
- Intl
- LightSms Notifier
- LinkedIn Notifier
- Dotenv
- Esendex Notifier
- EventDispatcher
- ExpressionLanguage
- Fake Chat Notifier
- Fake SMS Notifier
- Filesystem
- Finder
- Firebase Notifier
- Symfony Flex
- Form
- Clickatell Notifier
- Config
- Console
- Contracts
- Debug Bundle
- DependencyInjection
- Discord Notifier
- Doctrine Bridge
- AllMySms Notifier
- Amazon SES Bridge
- Amazon Notifier
- Mercure Notifier
- OptionsResolver
- Panther
- Polyfill PHP 7.2
- Polyfill PHP 7.3
- Polyfill PHP 7.4
- Polyfill PHP 8.0
- Framework Bundle
- Maker Bundle
- Polyfill PHP 7.0
- Polyfill PHP 7.1
- Polyfill PHP 8.2
- Postmark Bridge
- RocketChat Notifier
- Routing
- Mime
- Mobyt Notifier
- Monolog Bundle
- Octopush Notifier
- OvhCloud Notifier
- Polyfill Mbstring
- Polyfill PHP 8.1
- PropertyAccess
- Mattermost Notifier
- MessageBird Notifier
- MessageMedia Notifier
- Messenger
- Microsoft Teams Notifier
- Spot-Hit Notifier
- StimulusBundle
- Telegram Notifier
- Translation
- Twig Bridge
- Twig Bundle
- Twilio Notifier
- Uid
- Security Bundle
- Sendgrid Bridge
- Serializer
- Sinch Notifier
- Slack Notifier
- SmsBiuras Notifier
- sms77 Notifier
- SMSAPI Notifier
- TurboSms Notifier
- Symfony UX Autocomplete
- Sendinblue Notifier
- GatewayApi Notifier
- Mailer
- Mailgun Bridge
- Polyfill PHP 8.3
- PropertyInfo
- Symfony UX Live Component
- Free Mobile Notifier
- Runtime
- SMSC Notifier
- Telnyx Notifier
- Symfony UX Dropzone
- Validator
- Vonage Notifier
- WebProfiler Bundle
- WebpackEncore Bundle
- Workflow
- Yaml
- Yunpian Notifier
- Zulip Notifier