Symfony 7.0.8 released
June 2, 2024
Published by
Fabien Potencier
Symfony 7.0 is backed by:
Warning: Symfony 7.0 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 7.0.8 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.0.7:
- bug #57284 [Mime] Fix TextPart using an unknown File (@fabpot)
- bug #57282 [Scheduler] Throw an exception when no dispatcher has been passed to a Schedule (@fabpot)
- bug #57275 Fix autoload configs to avoid warnings when building optimized autoloaders (@Seldaek)
- bug #54572 [Mailer] Fix sendmail transport failure handling and interactive mode (@bobvandevijver)
- bug #57228 [Mime] fix PHP 7 compatibility (@xabbuh)
- bug #57065 [Mime] Fixed Mime\Message::ensureValidity() when a required header is set, but has an empty body (@rhertogh)
- bug #57069 [Config] gracefully handle cases when no resolver is set (@xabbuh)
- bug #57109 [Notifier] keep boolean options when their value is false (@xabbuh)
- bug #54971 [Serializer] Cache readability/writability computation (@mtarld)
- bug #56488 [VarExporter] Fix exporting default values involving global constants (@kylekatarnls)
- bug #49186 [Serializer] Improve exception message in UnwrappingDenormalizer (@andersonamuller)
- bug #54694 [PropertyInfo] Update DoctrineExtractor for new DBAL 4 BIGINT type (@llupa)
- bug #54913 [Serializer] Fix CurrentType for missing property (@ElisDN)
- bug #54797 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix DeprecationErrorHandler with PhpUnit 10 (@HypeMC)
- bug #54878 [Filesystem] Fix dumpFile stat failed error hitting custom handler (@acoulton)
- bug #54924 [Validator] IBAN Check digits should always between 2 and 98 (@karstennilsen)
- bug #54919 [ErrorHandler] Do not call xdebug_get_function_stack() with xdebug >= 3.0 when not in develop mode (@fmata)
- bug #54910 [HttpFoundation] filter out empty HTTP header parts (@xabbuh)
- bug #54888 [String] Fix folded in compat mode (@smnandre)
- bug #54863 [Process] Return false when open_basedir prevents access to /dev/tty (@mjauvin)
- bug #54860 [HttpClient] Revert fixing curl default options (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #54850 [VarExporter] fix ProxyHelper::generateLazyProxy() when a method returns null (@nikophil)
- bug #54842 [Messenger] Don't drop stamps when message validation fails (@valtzu)
- bug #54838 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix assignment to constant variable (@HypeMC)
- bug #54837 [Mailer] [Sendgrid] Use DataPart::getContentId() when DataPart::setContentId() is used (@SherinBloemendaal)
- bug #54839 Fix exception thrown during LDAP_MODIFY_BATCH_REMOVE_ALL batch operations (@phasdev)
- bug #54834 [Validator] Check Locale class existence before using it (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #54830 [HttpClient] Fix cURL default options for PHP 8.4 (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #54828 [Serializer] Fix GetSetMethodNormalizer not working with setters with optional args (@HypeMC)
- bug #54816 [Cache] Fix support for predis/predis:^2.0 (@mfettig)
- bug #54804 [Serializer] separate the property info and write info extractors (@xabbuh)
- bug #54800 [WebProfilerBundle] fix compatibility with Twig 3.10 (@xabbuh)
- bug #54794 [Strings][EnglishInflector] Fix incorrect pluralisation of 'Album' (@timporter)
- bug #54714 [Serializer] convert empty CSV header names into numeric keys (@xabbuh)
- bug #54775 [Messenger] accept AbstractAsset instances when filtering schemas (@xabbuh)
- bug #54758 [Validator] handle edge cases when constructing constraints with named arguments (@xabbuh)
- bug #54759 [Filesystem] better distinguish URL schemes and Windows drive letters (@xabbuh)
- bug #54791 [FrameworkBundle] move wiring of the property info extractor to the ObjectNormalizer (@xabbuh)
- bug #54760 [Validator] handle union and intersection types for cascaded validations (@xabbuh)
- bug #54776 [Cache] fix: remove unwanted cast to int (Arend Hummeling)
- bug #54700 [Dotenv] show overridden vars too when running debug:dotenv (@HMRDevil)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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