A framework project using Symfony components
Symfony is an Open Source PHP Web applications development framework. It was originally conceived by the interactive agency SensioLabs for the development of web sites for its own customers. Symfony was published by the agency in 2005 under MIT Open Source license and today it is among the leading frameworks available for PHP development.
Official website: symfony.com
- Emoji
- HttpClient
- Clock
- HttpFoundation
- HttpKernel
- Intl
- Ldap
- Lock
- Dotenv
- ErrorHandler
- EventDispatcher
- ExpressionLanguage
- Filesystem
- Finder
- Form
- Config
- Console
- Contracts
- CssSelector
- Debug Bundle
- DependencyInjection
- Doctrine Bridge
- Asset
- BrowserKit
- Cache
- DomCrawler
- Mercure Bundle
- RemoteEvent
- OptionsResolver
- Polyfill Ctype
- Polyfill Intl Grapheme
- Framework Bundle
- Polyfill UUID
- Process
- RateLimiter
- Routing
- Mime
- Monolog Bridge
- Notifier
- PasswordHasher
- PHPUnit Bridge
- Polyfill Intl ICU
- Polyfill Intl IDN
- Polyfill Intl Normalizer
- Polyfill Mbstring
- PropertyAccess
- Messenger
- Stopwatch
- String
- Translation
- Twig Bridge
- Twig Bundle
- TypeInfo
- Uid
- AssetMapper
- Security Bundle
- Semaphore
- Serializer
- Mailer
- Polyfill PHP 8.3
- PropertyInfo
- Runtime
- Scheduler
- SecurityCore
- SecurityCsrf
- Validator
- VarDumper
- VarExporter
- WebLink
- WebProfiler Bundle
- Webhook
- Workflow
- Yaml
- AmphpHttpClientMeta