Symfony Code of Conduct Transparency Report 2018
January 25, 2019
Published by
Michelle Sanver
Last year, May 2018, Symfony adopted a Code of Conduct (CoC). Émilie Lorenzo, Tobias Nyholm and I, Michelle Sanver were entrusted with the task of CARE, CoC Active Response Ensurers. You can read more about Symfony's CARE Team.
Quite early on we were all part of a Code of Conduct training by Otter Technology. This helped us understand and practise some typical scenarios between each other, which we all found very helpful going forward.
In this blog post I will share some insights of our work in 2018. Due to the nature of this topic, we won't and never will dive into details about any of these reports. We have erred on the site of caution as this is our first transparency report - And we are open to feedback how to do the other ones in the future!
In 2018 we had about 15 reports.
Most reports we received were per email using our official
email address, some were direct messages on Slack. Some came in during
SymfonyCon. When a report comes in, we respond to it as soon as we can to
confirm that we received the report. Then we assess it. We typically measure
reports by urgency and impact, and put them on a grid.
In certain cases we would need to act first, and discuss later. Luckily, in all of the cases we had so far, we could get together and discuss the appropriate way to deal with the reports and do so accordingly:
- Typical reports were about unwelcome and non-inclusive language most on Slack and/or on GitHub.
- There has been one report about sexualized language or harassment.
- There have been a few cases where we had to remove a user from Slack. One of them was a bot.
The typical cases were resolved with conversations, where we were asking the reported people to help us make the Symfony community a better place, and explaining what impact their behaviour can have. It was regularly received positively, and people were happy to do what they can to help us build an inclusive environment.
We didn't get much negative feedback or criticism. This is a wonderful community to be a part of.
Of course, there will always be cases where people feel uncomfortable. Whether it was intended or not, it's the impact that we look at. We as people are very different and perceive situations differently.
We're here for you if you perceive a situation in the community as uncomfortable or problematic.
I hope that we can keep the number of incidents as low in 2019 as we have in 2018 - And let's keep growing together.
This list is not meant to spread shame or blame. We're publishing it to show why our Code of Conduct is important, and how it is enforced in practice.
Thanks for CAREing!
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Imagine yourself in these three situations: 1) "you an your friends at a pub"; 2) "you and your boss at work"; 3) "you and your parents at their home". Do you use the same words and expressions in all these situations?
I'm sure you tell your friends to "fuck off" or "fuck you" frequently ... and no offense is taken because of your friendship and the relaxed environment. Now, would you say "fuck off" to your boss? Would you say "fuck you" to your parents? No, you wouldn't.
On Symfony Slack, whenever anyone says the word "fuck", we show an automatic reply asking to not say that word and explaining the reason. We don't delete or censor the original message, because this has nothing to do with "thought police", "language police" or "censorship". We've just decided that using the "fuck" word is not appropriate in the professional environment of Symfony's Slack. Use that word with your friends or in direct messages, but not on public channels.
Your example is very reasonable and I have no problem with it.
My sarcastic comment was in response to "Typical reports were about [...] non-inclusive language", it *triggered* me so to speak.
Maybe include a "politically correct activism" trigger warning to avoid offending me in the future.
What worries me is the increasingly hostile atmosphere these code-of-conducts create, and the fact that Symfony hired a person that casually accuses people of being rape apologists on twitter (
There are also already calls to censor opinions in the PHP community. Heres an example:
Of course the leadership of the Symfony community is free to impose any rules they want, its just annoys me because I have to read about it on the blog here because the advertising agency I work for uses symfony after I convinced them to do so.
I don't actually demand that you alter your behaviour so you don't risk offending me, thats obviously silly and exactly what bothers me about code-of-conducts, everybody can claim to be offended.
All feedback is welcome.
Also: Me changing the way I express myself is not something I took as a demand. It is something I offer, and take as feedback to try to communicate in a way where my intention is clear. Everyone indeed has the right to be offended.
As to your concerns Sage Sharp, there have been several people raising similar concerns over the email thread in question and I personally come to the same conclusion. From what I understood from that twitter thread Sage was pointing out that CoC reports would go to Tso. So Sage wasn’t even talking about expelling Tso but that he should not be in a position to receive, let alone comment on CoC reports. I am not sure why you added the word “casually”, because I don’t think there was anything casual about calling this out and Sage was also not the first person to call this out.
As for the other tweet you mentioned, you might have also seen my response. Again it appears to me like you are addressing personal fears, while discounting the relevance addressing the fears of others through a CoC.
Note we do take your fears seriously and like I said I would be very happy to discuss them directly with you or through mediation. Obviously the method of implementing a CoC to address the fears and documented very real dangers of online harrassment is creating fears within you. I do very much acknowledge that a CoC can be used to improperly supress opinions but again the above report should maybe help to reduce those fears ..