The LiipImagineBundle package provides an image manipulation abstraction toolkit for Symfony-based projects. Features include:
- Filter Sets: Using any Symfony-supported configuration language (such as YML and XML), you can create filter set definitions that specify transformation routines. These include a set of filters and post-processors, as well as other, optional parameters.
- Filters: A number of built-in filters are provided, allowing for an array of common image transformations. Examples include thumbnail, scale, crop, strip, and watermark, and many more. Additionally, custom filters are supported.
- Post-Processors: A number of build-in post-processors are provided, allowing for the modification of the resulting binary file created by filters. Examples include JpegOptim, OptiPNG, MozJpeg, and PngQuant. Additionally, custom post-processors are supported.
Jump into any of the available chapters to learn more about anything from the basic usage to the architecture of bundle.
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